Pathway - Phase 3 - Tech Validation - Field Assessment of Multi-beam Sonar Performance in Bottom Mount Deployments

Multibeam imaging sonars have application to monitoring fish and marine mammal presence and behaviours in the near field of tidal turbine installations, including evaluating avoidance, evasion, and potential blade strikes. SOAR conducted field experiments to help reduce uncertainty in performance of the Tritech Gemini 720is and Teledyne Blueview M900-2250 multibeam imaging sonars for identifying and tracking discrete targets in high-flow environments. This information will help inform the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, tidal energy developers, and other stakeholders in the design and implementation of effective monitoring systems for tidal energy projects in the Bay of Fundy and beyond. These two imaging sonars were the technologies recommended for testing by the subject matter expert for imaging sonars during the first phase (Global Capability Assessment) of the Pathway Program. The Tritech Gemini 720is operates at 720 kHz and has a maximum effective sampling range of approximately 50 m. The Teledyne Blueview M900-2250 has operating frequencies of 900 or 2250 kHz, with a 10 m range for the high frequency transducer head. As per the recommendation from the Global Capability Assessment, this report focuses on the Blueview’s capabilities while operating at 2250 kHz